Sunday on Monday: 2023 New Testament (2025)

53: “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things” (Revelation 15–22)

As we study Revelation 15–22, the final chapters of John’s revelation, we answer the call to “come and see” that Christ is the “bright and morning star” that shines in the dark sky (Revelation 22:16). This sign is a promise that dawn is coming soon. And according to these chapters, He is coming soon. So, as we patiently wait, we see that in our waiting, our hope and faith have been purified in the fires of latter-day adversity. And this growth will have all of us calling out together, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).


52: "Good Tidings of Great Joy” (Christmas)

In Moses 6:63, the Lord says, “all things are created and made to bear record of me.” At Christmastime especially, we can apply this scripture by asking ourselves, "How do I personally bear record of Him?" This week's Come, Follow Me lesson can help guide us in this effort as we study "The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.” Let's read this witness from the Apostles and hear from several families about their experiences studying it.


51: They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 6–14)

In Revelation 6–14, we learn amazing insights about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. While these chapters appear to be about horses, seals, and signs at first glance, the Savior is truly the central figure. In this episode, we'll discuss what we learn about Him and what will happen when He comes again.


50: “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever” (Revelation 1-5)

In this episode, we'll begin our study of the book of Revelation—scriptures that some consider to be impossible to understand, overwhelming, and confusing. Our guest, Don Parry, says that the goal of studying Revelation is to “better understand God's designs for the future of the world and its inhabitants and prepare themselves better for the days ahead. In doing so, such individuals will find peace and calmness in their lives, because the Lord has promised us, 'If ye are prepared ye shall not fear' (Doctrine and Covenants 38:30).” So, let’s prepare, along with Don Parry, to dive into Revelation 1–5.


49: “God Is Love” (1–3 John; Jude)

John the Apostle and Jude, one of Jesus’s brothers, wrote their epistles in the New Testament to correct prevailing false doctrine. These corrupt ideas, which had already started leading many Saints into apostasy, included teachings questioning whether Jesus Christ had actually appeared “in the flesh.” Today, as we study 1–3 John and Jude, we’ll dive into how these apostles stood for truth and dispelled erroneous beliefs.


48: “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory” (1 and 2 Peter)

Have you ever considered how inspiring Peter was during the last few years of his life? Christ had shown the Apostle how he would be persecuted and martyred—yet Peter carried on bravely and faithfully. As we study the books of 1 and 2 Peter, we will find inspiration on how we can press forward with optimism and love in the face of trials.


47: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only” (James)

Sometimes just one verse or two of scripture will change you or someone you love. In our study of the book of James this week, you may find verses that help you figure out your mission in life. Or you may find encouragement to be more patient or speak with more kindness. Whatever inspires you, let’s dive in and let these words “enter … into every feeling of [our] heart[s].” And then, as we “receive with meekness the … word,” as James wrote, let's be a doer of the word, not a hearer only.


This week’s lesson of Hebrews 7–13 contains many of what we’ll call “sermons in a sentence.” Lines that have been inspiration for conference talks and Sunday School lessons for generations. And we believe memorizing a few of these powerful one-liners could help carry us through hard times. So let’s dive into life-changing truths like “Christ is the high priest of good things to come” or “cast not away therefore your confidence” and see how they could make a difference in our day to day lives.


45: “Jesus Christ, the Author of Eternal Salvation” (Hebrews 1–6)

Imagine you are in a boat sailing on the ocean. It is a perfect day on the water. The sun is shining; you can feel a slight breeze. All is well. But then you notice dark clouds rolling in. You calculate that there is no way you can make it to the shore for safety. The only thing you can do is batten down the hatches, drop anchor, and hope for the best. Now imagine that anchor. Is it big? Is it sturdy? Can you trust it? In today’s discussion of Hebrews 1–6, we will examine a specific anchor and the good it can do during the most tumultuous of storms of life.


44: “Be Thou an Example of the Believers” (1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon)

Paul wrote many of his letters to whole groups of people. But today, we are zeroing in on a few of his more personal epistles, letters he wrote to his friends Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. You’ll see that these letters have a slightly different feel and tone to them. And Paul—as always—gives us pearls of wisdom to remember, offering each as a heartful gift from a friend.


43: “Perfect That Which Is Lacking in Your Faith” (1 and 2 Thessalonians)

The Thessalonian Saints were known as examples “to all that believe” and news of their faith spread to cities abroad (1 Thessalonians 1:7). But Paul knew that faithfulness in the past is not sufficient for spiritual survival in the future, and he was wary of the influence of false teachers. In today’s discussion of Thessalonians, we get to read Paul’s specific messages for these Saints. Messages that can help us continue to “perfect that which is lacking in [our] faith” and to “increase more and more” in love.


42: “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me” (Philippians, Colossians)

Where did Paul write some of his happiest letters? Not from the comforts of a nice home or amid the beauty of a countryside in spring. Many of the Apostle’s most uplifting words were penned in prison, including the beloved line, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Perhaps Paul was more keenly aware of Christ’s strength during his time in need. In this week’s lesson, we are diving into Philippians and Colossians where Paul reminds us—especially those who feel trapped—that to live is to love Christ.


41: “For the Perfecting of the Saints” (Ephesians)

Then-Elder Henry B. Eyring gave a landmark talk in 2002 called “Rise To Your Call” for “everyone, man or woman, girl or boy, who has been called or who will yet be”—so that means all of us. Elder Eyring wanted us to know four truths: 1. You are called of God. 2. The Lord will guide you by revelation. 3. Just as God called you and will guide you, He will magnify you. And lastly, all He asks is that you give your best effort and whole heart. Paul gives similar counsel to the Saints in Ephesus. In this week’s lesson, we get to take a closer look at callings and how we can best serve the Lord, even and especially when we feel inadequate.


40: “Walk in the Spirit” (Galatians)

Before a child runs, they learn to walk. And before they walk, they learn to crawl. A simple, but beautiful, progression with a quiet lesson for us all. In today’s study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we learn how we can—and ought to be—growing in the gospel. Much like a child, our first steps in trying something new might be timid, but when we invite the Spirit, we can progress spiritually in ways we never imagined.


39: “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver” (2 Corinthians 8–13)

How is everyone doing today—like, right now? Before starting this week’s episode, let’s take a moment to think about or write down a sentence or two about how you are. Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians 8–13 is for those of us who maybe aren’t doing so well. For those carrying a tremendous load with no rest stop in sight. In these comforting chapters, Paul reminds us there are prayers being said in our behalf and that God has given us an indescribable gift to rely on—His surpassing grace.

38: “Be Ye Reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 1–7)

It’s a situation we’ve all been in—wanting to comfort someone but not wanting to sound trite. How do we find the right words when a friend or family member is really going through it? We want to inspire hope for the future, while not invalidating the difficulty of today. In this week’s lesson, we find Paul in just that situation. As we study 2 Corinthians 1–7, we’ll discover what Paul chose to say to comfort the Saints, and perhaps find inspiration on how we, too, can point others to Christ.


37: “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace” (1 Corinthians 14-16)

Simple truths can come to the rescue in our confusing world. For example, when we hear that we will only live once, we can remember that Christ’s resurrection makes it possible for us rise again. When we hear that that we will never be good enough, we can lean on the grace of God. In this week’s lesson in 1 Corinthians 14–16, we will find more simple truths to add to our pocket to help us when the voices of the world grow loud.


36: “Ye Are the Body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 8–13)

Charity never fails—now that’s a powerful promise. And it’s a truth that can especially be helpful to remember when you are unsure how to move forward. This week, we will read what Paul taught the Saints about charity’s power in 1 Corinthians 8–13. And perhaps one of the most important takeaways is this: we all have a place in Christ’s church, and charity is how we will help everyone feel just how much they belong.


35: “Be Perfectly Joined Together” (1 Corinthians 1–7)

Have you ever been afraid that you don’t have what it takes? Maybe you were just extended a new calling and feel way over your head. Or maybe you’ve received an impression to serve a mission and think you aren’t spiritual enough or smart enough for the task. Well in 1 Corinthians 1–7, we learn that we are exactly the kind of enough that God can work with, and with Him we can become more than we ever could imagine on our own.


34: “Overcome Evil with Good” (Romans 7–16)

Have you ever wanted to share the gospel with someone, but felt unsure of what to say? If so, this week’s study in Romans 7–16 is for you. These chapters contain some of the greatest missionary verses of scripture—verses any one of us could share as a way to spark conversation on a beautiful, doctrinal truth. Come and learn how simple it can be to live President David O. McKay’s motto, “Every member a missionary.”


33: “The Power of God unto Salvation” (Romans 1–6)

You know when you get a letter in the mail that you’ve been looking forward to? There’s something exciting about discovering what’s inside, knowing you are reading words that are meant just for you. Well today, we’re going to begin our 17-week study of the letters, or epistles, from the Apostles—and we’re going to focus first on Paul. We’ll start by discussing Romans 1–6 and find that though these letters may not have been written directly to us, we can still look forward to learning many things from them today.


32: “A Minister and a Witness” (Acts 22–28)

One of the greatest stories of redemption is found in the life of the Apostle Paul. When we first met him, he was actively persecuting Christ’s followers and even took part in a martyrdom. Yet the Lord knew that Paul could become “a chosen vessel unto [Him.]” Paul did change the whole current of his life and dedicated himself to preaching the gospel. In this week’s lesson in Acts 22–28, we will see just how much Paul was transformed as we read his final letters and departing message to the Saints.


31: “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel” (Acts 16–21)

Nothing beats a good pair of shoes when you’re serving a mission. But the number of steps missionaries put in now can’t even be compared to the thousands of miles the Apostle Paul walked in his day. In Acts 16–21, we’ll take a look at the Apostle’s many journeys across the ancient world as he followed the creed to spread the gospel. During his service, Paul was jailed, beaten, and persecuted. But in the end, he leaves us with a humble message that he gave everything he could, and that it's always better to give than to receive.


30: “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied” (Acts 10–15)

Managing the relationships in our lives can at times seem like a full-time job; a job that none of us is completely qualified for. Perhaps you can relate to the silent prayer of, “Heavenly Father, please help me to see this person the way you do.” In your experience, how has that prayer impacted the way you think about or interact with people? In this week’s study of Acts 10–15, we’ll learn about the role revelation can play in softening our hearts towards all of God’s children.


29: “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?” (Acts 6-9)

Who do you think of when you hear the title “captain”? Captain America? Captain Jack Sparrow? Captain Crunch? Our world has no shortage of high-profile captains. But what about Jesus? You might think that sounds like an unusual title for Christ, that is until we study Acts 6–9 and discuss some inspired words from President Ezra Taft Benson. Then “captain” may become one of the first descriptions that comes to mind when you think of the Savior. We’ll also learn that “Captain” is more than just a title for Christ—it’s one of His most important roles as we learn to follow Him and truly make Him the Captain of our lives.


28: “Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me” (Acts 1-5)

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland once said that a more complete title for the book of Acts could be “The Acts of the Resurrected Christ working through the Holy Spirit in the Lives and Ministries of His Ordained Apostles.” Isn’t that interesting? According to Elder Holland, the “acts” we refer to were Christ’s—not solely those of the Apostles left behind after His death. In today’s lesson, we will dive into Acts 1–5 and see how from the very beginning, the Holy Spirit was influencing the Apostles, and we will also be reminded of the active role the Savior desires to have in our lives.


27: “He Is Risen” (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21)

The story that follows the events after Christ’s death tells of those who loved Him most. There were the women who prepared His body with spices and oils, wrapping Him in linen before He was placed in a tomb. And there were His disciples who rejoiced when they realized that the Savior of the world had risen. While thousands of years have passed since that time, the joy and love that these witnesses of Christ experienced is felt by us today. So while we may not have the opportunity to be at the same tomb as they did, our study of Matthew 28, Mark 16; Luke 24; and John 20–21, will help you feel like you're there—and, we hope, help remind you of your love for Him.


26: “It Is Finished” (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19)

The last Friday of the Savior’s life was filled with devastating, consuming sorrow that will gnaw at the souls of those who love and honor the Son of God. Of all the days since the beginning of this world’s history, this Friday is the darkest. But as Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin once beautifully reminded us, “the doom of that day did not endure. The despair did not linger.” As we study the final hours of Jesus’s life in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19, hold in your heart that both in scripture, and in our own lives, the glory and relief of Sunday will come.


25: “Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done” (Luke 22; John 18)

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland once described the Savior’s final hours as being “the loneliest journey ever made.” This week, as we take a look at Luke 22 and John 18, we'll study Christ's loneliest hours when He faced betrayal, mocking, and rejection. These chapters remind us that when we are facing our loneliest hours, we are never truly alone—our Savior knows just what we are experiencing, and He will be there to guide us through our own difficult paths.


24: “Continue Ye in My Love” (John 14–17)

The Passover meal had come to an end. Feet had been washed; hymns had been sung. Then Christ and His disciples began their walk to the Garden of Gethsemane. According to some scholars, much of the teaching the Savior did that night took place during that fateful walk—a walk that moved the Savior toward what Elder Jeffrey R. Holland describes as “the greatest suffering that has ever taken place in the world or ever will take place.” In John 14–17, we will study just what Christ taught His disciples in those final moments; He comforted His dear friends, and hopefully His words will do the same for us.

Sunday on Monday: 2023 New Testament (2025)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.